Adequare methods of microbiological control were employed for the testing of 147 samples of different types of cheeses Minas type, Prata type, Provolone type, Parmezan type). 88 of the specimens examined (59,8%) were found to contain microorganisms of the coliform group in the following percentages, given in relation to total amount of the group : E coli, 75,2%, A. aerogenes, 14,6% A. cloacae, 6,8% and E. freundii, 3,4%. A total count was made for 71 samples, 20 of which had a count ranging from 0 to 30 million germs per gramme (28,2%), while in the 51 remaining samples (71,8%) the was over 30 million germs per gramme. Fungi were obtained from 120 samples and staphylococci from 32 of the cheeses examined.
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