A table for the determination of total solids in milk, developed by the author from Fleishmann's formula, is presented. Deduction of the general formula as well as some considerations about the determination of the total solids by the direct and indirect methods are a1so presented.
1. MONVOISIN, A. - Le Iait et Ies produits dérivés. Paris, Vigot Frêres, 3.a edição, tomo 1.0, 1925.
2. MUR, A. G. - La Ieche y sus adulteraciones. Madrid, S.A.E.T.A., 2.a edição, 1946.
3. SAVINI, E. - Chimica ed analisi deI Iatte e dei Iatticini. Milão, Ulrico Hoepli, 1927.

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