Laboratory investigations on the infantile enteritis by E. coli
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Taunay AE de, Martins H, Toporowski J, Toledo LA de, Peixoto ES. Laboratory investigations on the infantile enteritis by E. coli. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1958 Jan. 4 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];18(1-2):45-82. Available from:


Laboratory investigations of Escherichia coli (enteropathogenic coli) associated with enteric infection of children are reported, Specimens of feces were collected from the following groups of children: group I composed of 40 infants aged 1 month to 5 years whose material was collected on admission. The components of this group were admitted with acute enteritis and the material was examined by technics of isolation in order to compare these technics; group II was composed of 90 infants aged 30 days to 2 years with symptoms of severe enteric disturbances; group III was composed of 159 premature or newborn infants, all hospital delivered, with less than 30 days old. 138 of them had symtoms of an acute gastroenteritis and 21 were normal. Cultures on 74 specimens of feces collected by rectal swab from group I gave similar results to those obtained on 74 specimens of feces collected by spontaneous defecation on the same group. The investigators discovered that the use of enriched media (Gerbeaux, 1955) did not increase the number of positive cultures. Superior results were obtained by the combined use of SS and Holt-Harris-Teague media. The identification of the E. coli was based on morphology and fermentation reactions. Antigenic analysis was performed by slide agglutination followed by slow tube agglutination. The frequency of enteritis by E. coli (enteropathogenic coli) was high in all groups but higher in the newborn group (group III). The technics of agglutination, haemagglutination and microflocculation were compared for the detection of serum antibodies. The authors favor the last technic although none of the results was satisfactory. From all isolated strains E. coli O 111 B4 tests of sensivity in vitro (disk method) for the following drugs were performed: neomycin, polymyxin, sulphadiazine, chloramphenicol, oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline and streptomycin. The authors came to the conclusion that antibiograms made with germs isolated from the first and second group were similar. In the third group it is noticed an increased resistance to tetracycline and chloramphenicol. They emphasize the importance of to be acquainted with the local situation regarding the individual resistance of the patient against the commonest antibiotics used. Using a similar technic, the authors made a search for normal carriers of enteropathogenic coli and isolated from 1027 samples 30 pathogenics. Finally, they tried experimental infection on the guinea pig by introducing the germs directly into the stomach. In 16 infected animals, there were positive results in 15 cases with clinic and histopathologic picture of severe and diffuse enteritis and recovery of the germ from the feces.
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