Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of diet and regular biscuits prepared with yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius)


bakery products
dietary fiber

How to Cite

Silva R, Rocha LS, Silva EMM da. Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of diet and regular biscuits prepared with yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius). Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2015 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];73(2):188-97. Available from:


Diet and regular biscuits were prepared using fresh yacon (in natura), besides those including 20 % and 40 % of yacon flour. The physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of these biscuits were evaluated. The addition of sugar in the biscuits made from yacon flour (20 % and 40 %) increased the diameter values. The addition of sweetener (replacing the sugar) in biscuits made from fresh yacon increased the specific volume value. Regarding to the physical characteristics, no significant differences were evidenced among the formulated biscuits and their respective controls. In relation to the sensory analysis, biscuits made from fresh yacon presented acceptable means, as well as the biscuits made from 20 % yacon flour (with sugar or sweetener). No significant differences were found between the sugar-added biscuits and the sweetener-added cookies, except for those made from 40 % yacon flour and containing sugar, which did not show good acceptability, and neither for purchase intention. Biscuits prepared with yacon flour showed significantly high fiber contents, being considered as fiber-rich and low-calorie products. This investigation evidenced that biscuits made from fresh yacon are an excellent option for easy homemade preparations.


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