Method of standardization and coffee grinding
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Menezes Júnior JBF, Bicudo B. Method of standardization and coffee grinding. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1960 Jan. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];20(Único):105-28. Available from:


From 1950, facing some irregularities detected in the microscopic analysis of more than 40.000 specimens of roasted and powdered coffee, the necessity, in Brazil, of standardization of coffee roasting and powdering is urged, A review of the literature is made and as advised by experts, experiments were carried on and accurate study of the problem was made. The follow-up of the coffee during the roasting process furnished several specimens of beans at different degrees of roasting, and various colors which were classified to prepare the standardization. The comparative method of specimens with their characteristic color degrees of roasting was adopted as well as lantern slides and diagrams of those specimens. Coffee roasting limitations were represented in a band with the allowed specimens of roasted seeds and corresponding powder at different stages of roasting and coloration, as the criterium of normality adopted in Brazil to reach a greater profit, longer conservation and quality improvement. The grinding criterium is the same adopted in the U. S. A. by the "Commodity Standard Division of the National Bureau of Standards", Washington, as shown by the table "American Standardization of Coffee Powdering". The method presented ought to be adopted by the Staff of the Brazilian Coffee Administration to regulate roasting and grinding and to improve flavor and aroma of the coffee drink.
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