The authors describe a new technique for the stabilization of the color of the complex α-α'-dipyridil-Fe II in the determination of α-tocopherol. EDTA is used for complexing the excess of the ions Fe III used in the reaction. The data are reproductible and the color is steady, which makes the process very sensible.
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3. COLLINS, P.F., DIEHL, H. & SMITH, G.F. - 2,4, 6-tripyridyl-s-triazine as a reagent for +ron. Determination of iron in limestone, silicates and refractories. Anal, oncm 31(11):1862-867,1959.
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6. GLICK, D. ed. - Methods of biochemical analysis. New York, rnterscience, 1955. v.2.
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