Six hundred and eitheen pre-vaccination sera of a pilot vaccination program against poliomyelitis with oral (Sabin) vaccine were studied by means of neutralization tests. The vaccination was held in São Paulo, Brazil and the sampling was carefully planned by randomization. The age-limits were from less than 1 year up to four years of age. Among 618 children, 57% belong to a fairly good socieconomic group and 49.9% are male. Neutralization titer of 1:4 was considered as positive and the endpoint of each titration was determined by microscopic observations. In the group of less than 1 year of age (127 children), 58.3 % were triple negatives, 22.0%, double negatives, 14.2%, single negatives and 5.5%, triple immune. At the age of one (133 children), there were 26.3% of triple negatives and 17.3% of triple immune. At 2, 3 and 4 years of age (129, 160 and 69 children), there were respectively 8.5, 1.9 and 1.4% of triple negatives and
37.2, 74.4 and 84.1% of triple immune. The susceptibility from 0 to 3 years of age reached the 94.4% level, confirming by laboratory means previous epidemiological data.
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