Bacterial diagnosis of salmonella of animal origin, its importance and frequency in São Paulo, Brazil
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de Escragnolle Taunay A. Bacterial diagnosis of salmonella of animal origin, its importance and frequency in São Paulo, Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1968 Feb. 3 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];28(1-2):43-70. Available from:


The confrontation of several different bacteriologic methods made possible the establishment of a routine procedure which permits the isolation and accurate typing of bacteria of the Salmonella group most frequently responsible for human infections. The results are comparable to those obtained by other authors who studied the subject in this same region or in other areas of Brazil. It was established that Salmonella of animal origin accounted for 9.8% of acute gastro-instestinal infections observed in 712 children, aged 1 month to 5 years. We could verify that for other age groups (newborns) or in the benign forms of the disease these occur in a very low percentage. This does not imply that the newborn is less susceptible, as it was found that, if conditions are favourable, transmission occurs easily, and often under severe septicemic forms. The finding of a considerable high number of human carriers showed that this area must present favourable conditions for the spreading of the disease. Some of the carriers were eliminating the germ in the urine, a fact which we could not account for. Dogs, flies and cockroaches were not important focus of infection in this regions. The study was carried through a period of 17 years, during which faeces of 35.705 individuals were examined, most of them adults with or whithout intestinal symptons, and 720 members of the Salmonella group of 19 different serotypes were isolated, From these, the most frequent were S. newport (19.88%), S. anatum (17.70%), S. typhimurium (11.12%) e S. derby (10.01%).
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