Good practices in food services at the Municipal Market of Curitiba – PR
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food handling
food hygiene
food quality
food inspection

How to Cite

Raimundo G, Serafim AL, Medeiros LB, Peixoto C dos S, Jesus NL de S de, Stangarlin-Fiori L. Good practices in food services at the Municipal Market of Curitiba – PR. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2016 May 5 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];74(3):295-300. Available from:


The municipal markets located in the large Brazilian cities are considered as important touristic spots, and they ought to provide high quality food and service. This study evaluated the Good Practices in Food Services at the Municipal Market of Curitiba, Paraná. Six establishments were evaluated by means of a checklist covering the Good Practice requirements, which was applied by a food-safety trained professional. The percentages of overall adequacy and of every requisite were calculated, and the Food Services were classified into Group 1- reaching 76-100 % of items; Group 2- 51-75 %; Group 3- 0-50 %. All of the evaluated markets were classified into Group 2, and the highest adequacy percentages were in the integrated urban vector and pest control and in the water supply, showing 100 % of compliance. The requirements on documentation, records and responsibilities did not reach any adequacy. The evaluated Food Services should be improved in the requirements for Good Practices, especially regarding to the documentation, records and responsibility items, as they are essential for the organization, standardization of the routine activities and for subsiding the safe food tender.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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