Nitrites and nitrates in horticultures produced by the conventional, organic and hydroponic cultivation systems in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba
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organic foods
hydroponic foods

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Stertz SC, Penteado PTPS, Freitas RJS de. Nitrites and nitrates in horticultures produced by the conventional, organic and hydroponic cultivation systems in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2004 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];63(2):200-7. Available from:


factors as temperature, quantity of rainfall, irrigation, nitrogen fertilization regime, and sunstroke. Occurrence of contamination with chemical compounds may possibly cause risks to human health, related to the possibility of N-Nitrosamines formation, which may induce metahemoglobinemia, and because of their cancerogenic, teratogenic, and mutagenic effects. The goal of this study was to evaluate the drift of nitrites and nitrates present in conventional (C), organic (O) and hydroponic (H) horticultures produced and/or commercialized in the metropolitan region of Curitiba. A total of 141 samples of C, O and H horticultures were collected, and nitrites and nitrates contents were determined by means of HPIC. The highest concentration levels (in mg/kg) of nitrites and nitrates were detected in: C, O and H watercress (498.37, 3259.59, 2623.60, respectively); C, O and H lettuce (798.86, 459.98, 1778.64, respectively); C and O spinach (1376.53, 877.73, respectively). Consequently, according to the nitrites and nitrates contents established by DDI, EC, and FAO/WHO for a person weighting 70 kg, the analyzed horticultures presented highly restricting values for human consumption, that is: 81g and 100g in organic and hydroponic watercress, respectively; 330g and 148g in organic and hydroponic lettuce, respectively; 192g and 301g in conventional and hydroponic spinach, respectively...
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