Salmonella: serotypes identified in the São José do Rio Preto area, SP, during the period of 1990 - 1999
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almonella serotypes
Salmonella serotypes
Salmonella in foods
Salmonella in clinical materials

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Almeida IAZC de, Peresi JTM, Carvalho IS de, Rodrigues ECA, Marques DF, Tavechio AT, Fernandes SA. Salmonella: serotypes identified in the São José do Rio Preto area, SP, during the period of 1990 - 1999. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2000 Dec. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];59(1-2):33-7. Available from:


From January 1990 to December 1999, 324 Salmonella strains were isolated at Instituto Adolfo Lutz – São José do Rio Preto–SP Lab. I, 155 from human infections and 169 from food for human
consumption. S. enterica subsp. Enterica serotype enteritidis (S. enteritidis) was the most prevalent serotype (75.0%) among the 17 different ones identified in human infections. Fecal material represented
the main human source of the isolated strains, due to several foodborne outbreaks occurring in the period under study. Thirty different serotypes were identified in food, S. enteritidis being the prevailing one. About 26.6% of the analyzed foods were linked to foodborne outbreaks. Foods presenting the highest rate of isolated strains were meat and its products (59.7%), followed by eggs and egg products (16.0%). These results show that S. enteritidis still remains as the most common serotype isolated from human sources and foods. Foods frequently implicated in foodborne outbreaks are chicken meat and eggs, as well as their
products, particularly raw and undercooked ones.
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