Nitrite, nitrate and sorbate levels in cured cheese sold in Sao Paulo city
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cured cheese

How to Cite

Silveira NVV, Yabiku HY, Duarte M, Takahashi MY, Chicourel EL. Nitrite, nitrate and sorbate levels in cured cheese sold in Sao Paulo city. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1991 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];51(1-2):37-40. Available from:


112 samples of cured cheese such as crumbled, sliced and pieces sold in markets of the city of Sao Paulo, were analysed for their nitrite, nitrate and sorbate contents. From these samples analysed, 81 (72,32%) showed neither nitrate nor nitrite content. Eight samples (7,14%) showed a level of nitrate and one of them was above of the tolerated and the levels of nitrite and nitrate of the other 23 samples were below than 10 mg/kg (sensitivity limit of the analytical method employed). From the total of cheese analysed, 60 were crumbled and 46 (76,66%) of them showed content of sorbate above the tolerated level.
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