Using Control Sample for the Evaluation of Automatic Equipment Reproducibility in the Hematology Laboratory: A Proposition for Quality Control in Public Health Laboratories
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quality control
control sample
automatic equipment

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Munhoz MAG, Gushiken EY, Pacheco NR, Campa SB, Kitamura C, Azevedo-Neto RS de. Using Control Sample for the Evaluation of Automatic Equipment Reproducibility in the Hematology Laboratory: A Proposition for Quality Control in Public Health Laboratories. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1991 Dec. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];51(1-2):41-5. Available from:


The automatic equipment for cell counting and hemoglobin dosage has its calibration made by the staff of the Hematology Section of the Pathology Division in the Adolfo Lutz Institute (São Paulo, Brazil) using international and national standards, standards prepared in the section and a secondary standard (a sample from the routine). This paper presents our experience with this sample as a quality control technique in hematology, especially for the daily monitoring of the automatic equipment reproducibility. The control sample technique has been applied in our section since 1987, and the results are discussed through the variation coefficient found for each analysis studied. A regression is made between the manual and the automatic technique.
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