Fish oils are the most important natural reservoir of polyunsaturated fatty acids, like omega-3 eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA), to whom are atributed benefits in prevention and treatment of certain cardiovascular diseases. The increasing of the offer of encapsulated fish oil supplements led us to verify their quality. For this purpose, 19 samples of sardine oil supplements, imported from England and encapsulated in Brazil, and 8 samples of Brazilian sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis) oil, extracted in laboratory, were analysed for their contents of EPA and DHA acids, in total amounts of fatty acids, by gas chromatography on a CARBOW AX 20 M fused silica capillary column. In all the samples were also determined the iodine value (Wijs) and the refraction index at 40°C. The results showed that only one of the samples of sardine oil supplements was very much in disaccording with declared pattern-formula and its iodine value was very low too. In the other hand, the sardine oils analysed showed low amounts of the EPA acid and low iodine value and refraction index; 6 among 8 of the samples analysed showed levels of DHA upper than the required for the supplements (120 mg/g), compensating the low values of EPA found. Then the Brazilian sardine oil investigated may be considered of good quality for use as raw material for the manufacture of those supplements.
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