A considerable number of the arboreous species composes the Brazilian’s forests, but some of the fruits have shown to be good sources of nutrients. In this paper, the chemical composition of seeds, the fatty acid profile of the oil and the inorganic elements contained in the baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.), fruits from the region of Pirenópolis, state of the Goiás, Brazil, were determined. The chemical analytical methodology followed the “Analytical Methods of the Adolfo Lutz Institute”, 1985; the minerals and dietary fiber was determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) technique and enzymatic-gravimeter method, modified by Lee et al., respectively. The sample showed a high level of the lipid (38,2 g/100 g) and proteins (23,9 g/100 g) and consequently values significative of calories (502 kcal/100 g), dietary fiber (13,4 g/100 g) and minerals (K, 827 mg/100 g; P, 358 mg/100 g; Mg, 178 mg/100 g). These results favour the use of the seeds for human and animals consumption, since that they don’t contain toxics and alergenic substances. The oil showed a high level of unsaturation (81,2%) nevertheless the fatty acids profile and the content of the a-tocopherol (5,00 mg/100 g), assimilate at the peanut oil, emphasizing that the oleic (50,4%) and linoleic (28,0%) acids, fatty acid essentials, reforce the use this oil as a source of raw material for the pharmaceutical and oleochemical industries.
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Copyright (c) 2001 Emy Takemoto, Isaura A. Okada, Maria Lima Garbelotti, Mário Tavares, Sabria Aued-Pimentel