During the 1990-1992 period, 2497 hemograms from elderly out-patients of both sexes aged ≥ 60, were performed at Adolfo Lutz Institute, Central Laboratory. For morphological study of anemia in this sample, 333 of them all presenting anemia were selected. The most frequent anemia was normochromic normocytic (72,4%), followed by normochromic microcytic (11,4%). The most frequent erythrocytary alterations were: anisocytosis (64,3%), poikilocytosis (12,3%), polychromasia (9%) and basophilic stippling (3,6%). Hypochromia (MCHC < 31%) was observed in 15,0% of the studied cases. The morphological analysis of pheripherical blood in the anemic individuals is fundamental to help in clinical decisions to be taken.
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