From blood cultures, 267 strains of the Haemophilus genus were isolated and identified in the Seção de Bacteriologia of the Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, in the period 1979 to 1991 H. influenzae accounted for 91,0% (243 strains) of the total cases, with biotype I (65,9%) predominating, followed by biotypes II (29,6%), III (2,1%), IV (0,8%), and V (1,6%). In most cases serotype b was predominant (93,0%), and only one strain was characterized as serotype f. H influenzae biovar aegyptius ocorred in 7,5% of these cases, having ali the 20 isolated strains shown the phenotype and genotype characteristics of the etiologic agent of the Brazilian Purpuric Fever. H. parainfluenzae was identified in 4 of the strains, being two of biovar I, and one each of biovar II and V. Concerning the number of blood samples of every patient, it was noteworthy that in 29,5% of the cases, the etiologic agent did not develop in all of the samples, showing the meaning of multiple blood samples for the diagnosis of invasive diseases.
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