Comparative study of extraction methods to determine caffeine in coffee
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Determination of caffeine
Caffeine in coffee
Extraction methods
Comparative study

How to Cite

Mello MRP do A, Minazzi-Rodrigues RS, Carvalho JB de, Shirose I. Comparative study of extraction methods to determine caffeine in coffee. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1992 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];52(1-2):89-95. Available from:


Comparative studies were made among three extraction methods to determine caffeine in samples of crude, roasted, soluble coffee as well as in coffee extract. The methods used were: Cortes', method according to the Analitic Norm of Adolfo Lutz Institute, the same method with modifications concerning the sample quantity, and the modified Lee Kum - Tatt method. Based on the obtained results, it was proved that LA.L. and Lee Kum - Tatt modified methods presented the best results, although the Lee Kum - Tatt modified method would be the most appropriate to routine analyses for its rapidity, operationality and good results.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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