Leaves and fruits of Rubus rosaefolius Smith were anatomically studied to supply subsidies to the identification of the plant. The leaves are compounds and their folioles have dentateds borders. They present as epidermic annexs: one sim pie hair with 400 µm of length approximately, and two types of glandular hairs: one with spheric head and another with lenticular hair; pluricellulars both of them. Druses are more abundant in leaves than in fruits. The sepals have ample hairy coverage on the upper epidermis. The fruits do not have starch
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7. NOVRUWV, E. N. & SHANSIZADE, LA. - Chemical composition of fruits of sowe Rubas species of the flora of Azerbãidzhan. Rastif. Resur., 21(3):343-6, 1985. Apud Chem. Abstr. Columbus, 104:167, 131w, 1986.
8. PENNA, M. - Dicionário brasileiro de plantas medicinais. 3ª.ed. Rio de Janeiro, Kosmos, 1946. p. 340.
9. SOUTHWELL, I. A. - The constituents of Rubus rosifollus. The structure of rosifoliol, a biogenetically significant sesquiterpenoid. Aust. J. Chem., 31(11):2527-38, 1978. Apud Chem. Abstr., Columbus, 90:104.1458.
10. TORRE, L.C. & BARRIT, B.H. – Quantitative evaluation of Rubus fruit anthocyanin pigments. J. Food Sci., 42(2):488-90, 1977.
11. WUCHERPGENNlG, K. & HSUEH-ERR, C. - Behavior of mineral components in fruit juices. Fluess. Obst., 50(1):15-22, 1983.
12. YOON, K.R. & WROLSTAD, R. D. - Investigation of Harion blackberry, strawberry and plum fruit for the presence of saponins. J. Agric. Food Chem., 32(3):691-3, 1984.
13. ZURLO, C. & BRANDAO, M. - As Ervas comestíveis. Rio de Janeiro, Globo, 1989. p. 21-4.
2. FOO, L. Y.; PORTER, L. J. - The structure of tannins of some edible fruits. J. Sei. Food Agrie., 32(7):711-6, 1981.
3. HOEHNE, F. C. - Frutas indígenas. São Paulo, Secretária da Agricultnra, Indústria e Comércio, 1946. p. 66-9.
4. JAMES, K. W. - Analysis of indigenous Australian foods. Technol. Aust., 35(7):342-3, 1983.
5. KHÜSTOV, L.; DANEVA, N. & VELCHEV, V. - Study of the chemical composition and taste characteristics of interperspecific hybrids in the genus Rubas L. Gradinar. Lozar. Nauka; 16(1): 3-13,1979.
6. METCALFE, C. R. & CHALK, L - Anatomy of the Dicotyledons. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1950. v.1, p.539-55.
7. NOVRUWV, E. N. & SHANSIZADE, LA. - Chemical composition of fruits of sowe Rubas species of the flora of Azerbãidzhan. Rastif. Resur., 21(3):343-6, 1985. Apud Chem. Abstr. Columbus, 104:167, 131w, 1986.
8. PENNA, M. - Dicionário brasileiro de plantas medicinais. 3ª.ed. Rio de Janeiro, Kosmos, 1946. p. 340.
9. SOUTHWELL, I. A. - The constituents of Rubus rosifollus. The structure of rosifoliol, a biogenetically significant sesquiterpenoid. Aust. J. Chem., 31(11):2527-38, 1978. Apud Chem. Abstr., Columbus, 90:104.1458.
10. TORRE, L.C. & BARRIT, B.H. – Quantitative evaluation of Rubus fruit anthocyanin pigments. J. Food Sci., 42(2):488-90, 1977.
11. WUCHERPGENNlG, K. & HSUEH-ERR, C. - Behavior of mineral components in fruit juices. Fluess. Obst., 50(1):15-22, 1983.
12. YOON, K.R. & WROLSTAD, R. D. - Investigation of Harion blackberry, strawberry and plum fruit for the presence of saponins. J. Agric. Food Chem., 32(3):691-3, 1984.
13. ZURLO, C. & BRANDAO, M. - As Ervas comestíveis. Rio de Janeiro, Globo, 1989. p. 21-4.
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