Physical-chemical evaluation and sensory characterization of sun-dried meat by Focus Group
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food composition
consumer preference
meat product

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Moreira RT, Farias SM de OC, Coutinho EP, Fernandes R de PP, Costa SS. Physical-chemical evaluation and sensory characterization of sun-dried meat by Focus Group. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];79(1):1-10. Available from:


Focus Group is a qualitative sensory technique, based on the behavior of a group of people, regarding
the attributes of a product. It is conducted by a moderator who ensures an interaction for discussion
in the face of perceptions. The aim of this study was to evaluated dried meat by sensory analysis
associating the evaluation with results obtained by physicochemical analysis. Therefore, four samples
were collected from the retail trade in the city of João Pessoa, PB, which were then characterized
for chemical composition, water activity, pH and water holding capacity (WHC). Participants were
recruited according to consumer habits and the samples were prepared by desalting and cooking
in an electric oven, and kept in a water bath until the time for sensory analysis. With the answers
obtained, in addition to appearance, the moisture content and the WHC are considered parameters
that directly influence the sensory attributes. The qualitative exploratory study - Focus Group, in
association with physical-chemical methods, represented methods used for the interpretation of the
consumption profile of sun dread meat. Thus, conclude what is the use of specific criteria, the quality
factors that were evaluated, defining the preferences of consumers who are increasingly demanding
as to the characteristics of their food.
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