The aim of this study was to evaluate, according to Rancimat method, the effectiveness of several antioxidants alone and in combination in retarding the development of rancidity in mechanically deboned curimbata (Prochilodus scrofa) meat. In addition, the antioxidants properties of an extract of rosemary (OR) alone and in combination with tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) and butyl-ated hydroxyanisole (BHA) were determined by their addition as solutions to curimbata flesh. Apparently there is no report in the scientific literature on the efficiency of OR for minimizing effects of lipid oxidation in minced fish flesh. The most effective treatment in order to extend the induction period through the use of one antioxidant was with TBHQ at 0,02% w/w (induction period at 98 oC was 22 hand 15 min). Using TBHQ the induction period increased 15 times as compared to control-group. From the literature, a similar result was obtained with blue shark (Prionace glauca) oil. The use of TBHQ + BHA + OR improved the lipid stabilization by retarding the development of rancidity in order of 10%. Such result doesn't recommend its applications at the technical and economical point -of-view.
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