The influence of season upon proximate composition, caloric value and fatty acid composition was studied in mechanically-separated meat (pulps) and fillets of the following Brazilian marine fish species, among the most commercialized in São Paulo State: Micropogon furnieri, Cynoscion petranus, Balistes carolinensis, Sardinella brasiliensis and Mugil spp. Under the nutritional point of view, fillets and pulps of Sardinella brasiliensis presented the higher content of lipids and caloric value, in the winter, while the greatest protein contents were verified in fillets and pulps of Mugil spp., in the winter and in the autumn, respectively. Concerning the moisture, the higher percentages were found in fillets and pulps of Micropogon furnieri, in the spring, and the higher ash contents were presented by fillets and pulps of Sardinella brasiliensis, also in the spring. In none of the samples was detected carbohydrate, confirming the literature reported. More than 20 fatty acids were detected in all the species, varying from C12:00 to C 22:6, seven of them representing more than 50% of the total (C 16:0, C 16:1, C 18:0, C 18:1, C 20:4, C 20:5 and C 22:6). There were no noticeable differences in fatty acids profile, between fillets and pulps. Each specie presented seasonal variations in the fatty acids contents, however it was not observed a standard behaviour for each station year. Considering the benefits atributed to the eicosapentaenoic (C 20:5) and docosahexaenoic (C 22:6) acids in prevention and treatment of certain cardiovascular diseases, it was detached their presence in the lipids of the studies species. Balistes carolinensis presented higher sum of the C 20:5 and C 22:6 (fillet, from 27,6 to 37,0 g/100 g; pulp, from 33,9 to 36,5 g/100 g), followed by Sardinella brasiliensis (fillet, from 23,7 to 33,3 g/l00 g; pulp, from 24,1 to 34,1 g/100g).
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