Rapid virus diagnoses by electron microscopy
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Electron microscopy
Negative staining

How to Cite

Ueda M, Tanaka H, Kisielius JJ, Joazeiro PP, Weigl DR. Rapid virus diagnoses by electron microscopy. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 4 [cited 2024 Jul. 23];55(2):57-65. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/36541


The Electron Microscopy Section of Adolfo Lutz Institute performs rapid virus diagnosis in clinical specimens such as: vesiclc fluid, scrapies lesions, saliva and urine (Herpersvirus group), skin lesions (Papilloma virus, Poxvirus group), diarrhoeal samples (Rotavirus, Adenovirus, Astrovirus, Calicivirus, Small Round Virus Particles-SRVP, Norwalk agent, Parvovirus and Coronavirus) and water's analysis (bacteriophages). It contributes too, in the morphologic quality control of virus antigens anlysing samples of Measle, Influenzae, Rocio, Dengue, Hepatite A and B, HIV, and others.Negative staining is one of the techniques for viruses diagnosis in human diseases. Morphology, sub-structure and shape are important features for diffcrcnriation of the viruses.In spite of high cost, need of specialized technicians and impossibility to carry out analysis of great scale, the negative staining is an easy and rapid method, and it uses little quantity of biological specimens. lt is useful to detect víruscs that are difficult to cultivate in vitro such as several viruscs associated with gastroenteritis in humans, and its advantage is only one that allows to observe two or more agents in lhe same specimen.
Although, there are some Electron Microscopy Laboratorics at Universities and Research Tnstitutions, each laboratory have its own researchs and a few laboratories accomplish the rapid virus diagnosis.

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