Incidence of aflatoxins in corn (Zea mays L.) with different levels of moisture after treatment with fungicide, at atmosphere and without ventilation
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Prado G, Pinto NJA, Oliveira MS de. Incidence of aflatoxins in corn (Zea mays L.) with different levels of moisture after treatment with fungicide, at atmosphere and without ventilation. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1995 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];55(2):79-84. Available from:


It was verified the production of aflatoxins in coro samples, cultivar BR 201, grown in 1994,at CentroNacional de Milho e Sorgo, in Sete Lagoas,Minas Gerais. Duplicate samples, showing different levels of moisture, were treated with Iprodione aqueous and oily solution (20 ppm), and were srored in metal containers, with and without ventilation, at temperatures ranging from 18 to 20°C and from 35 to 40°C, respectively.The found results showed a reduction of the aflatoxins levels in samples treated with Iprodione and stored at a ventilated atmosphere. When the samples were stored without ventilation (temperature hetween 35 and 40°C), the decrease of the aflatoxins levels was not significam, mainly when the moisture valnes were high, showing that temperature and moisture were important factors in aflatoxins biosynthesis.
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