Amylaceous products enriched with soybean and gluten, commercialized in São Paulo city: quality nutrition evaluation through physicochemistry parameters
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amylaceous products
enricheds foods with soybean and glúten
evaluated of nutrition quality
physicochemistry parameters

How to Cite

Aparecida Pinatti Marsiglia D, Lima Garbelotti M, Zenebon O. Amylaceous products enriched with soybean and gluten, commercialized in São Paulo city: quality nutrition evaluation through physicochemistry parameters. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1995 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];55(1):31-8. Available from:


Samples of differentsenriched foods (103) were analysedto evaluatethe food quality through physicochemistry parameters. From this, 59 were differents types of amylaceous products enriched with gluten, 14were soybean enriched products and 30 were conventionalproducts. The samples are from differents brands used by the consumer in the São Paulo City. Most of the gluten enriched products do not answer the legislation parameters in relation to humidity leveI in 105°Cand total protein and hydrocarbon evaluated in the starch. For the soybean enriched products, wich there are note defined standarts in the legislation, it was verified in the breads and toasts a small increase in the protein levei, however for the biscuits the protein levei were the same that the conventional food. The calories values of the three groups of food were not differents between then. We want to exceed the point out that in vigour legislation is deficient, as well as, the package gluten enriched products denominations, incite the consumer to falses interpretations.
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