Determination of the levels of Zn, Fe, Ca, Se, Cu, K, Mg and Mn in the regional diet of Manaus, AM, Brazil
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regional diet and adequacy

How to Cite

K.O. Yuyama L, M.F. Cozzolino S. Determination of the levels of Zn, Fe, Ca, Se, Cu, K, Mg and Mn in the regional diet of Manaus, AM, Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1995 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];55(1):45-50. Available from:


The regional diet of Manaus was elaborated using the data of Shrimpton an Giugliano23, for families receiving up to two minimum salaries per month. The levels of calcium, iron, magnesium and manganese of the regional diet of Mauaus were determined by Flame Atomic Absorption spectrophotometry aud Inductively Coup1ed PlasmaAtomic Emission Spectroscopy, by direct aspiration of the samples, which were oxidised by wet digestion using nitric acid and perchloric13. The selenium, copper and potassium levels were determined by activation analysis with neutrons. The adequacy of minerals in the regional diet of Manaus was determined by chemical analysis and percentage of adequacy, using the standards of the National Academy of Sciences as references17. From the results obtained, it was observed that selenium presented high levels of adequacy, calcium was deficient with au adequacy of about 50%, followed by copper and zinco When compared with the recomended intakes, iron was deficient for the adult woman and magnesium for the adult man. It cau the conc1uded that the regional diet of Manaus presents high levels of selenium. However, it does not meet the recommendations of the majority of the minerais studied.
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