The extraction and fractional precipitation of proteins from egg masses of the snail Biglabrata (var. albin), with ammonium sulfate, produced a 30-70% saturation fraction that was able to interact with human T lyrnphocytes, besides the original hemagglutinating lectinic activity.
The fraction was submitted to chromatography on DEAE-Sepbadex A 50-120 and three further fractions were obtained with distinct biological activities: F-I) hemagglutinating fraction; F-III) Iymphocyte interaction fraction and F- II) fraction with both activities. Lyrnphocyte interaction (LlF) has revealed to be a potent inhibitor of spontaneous E rosette formation with T lymphocytes. Such inhibition was not affected by Ca'" and Mg " ions and was no reversed in the prescnce of preferencial inhibitors of hemagglutination (ceto-hexoses) or other sugars. Further more, rosette fonnation was not inhibited when sheep red blood cells were previously incubated with LlF.
Indirect Immunofluorescence assays and flow cytornetry have demonstrated that LIF blocked the binding of the anti-CD2 monoclonal antibody to lhe lymphocyte membrane receptor, strengthening preliminary data obtained with E rosette inhibition assays.
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