Occurrence of Dengue in São Paulo State, Brazil, from 1986 to 1996
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autochthonous cases

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Maria Rocco I, Bisordi Ferreira I, Katz G, Terezinha Madia de Souza L, Maria de Souza D, Keiko Kimura-Gushiken E, Hashizume Costa Mendes K, Georgina Bassi M, Martins Fontes Del Guercio V, Hatsumi Tengaw C, Zwicker Galimbertti M, Bustamante Kavakama B. Occurrence of Dengue in São Paulo State, Brazil, from 1986 to 1996. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1998 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];57(1):7-12. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/36614


Since 1986 cases of dengue havcbccn reportcdin São Paulo Statc,From April1986 until August, 1996, werc tcstcd 61,816 samples ofsuspected cases, 21,891 of which were confinned, 20,720 of thcm, autochthonous. Thc confirmation was made by spcciíic serology and/or vírus isolation, criteria established by the Secretary ofHealth of São Paulo Statc. The dengue incidence írom 1987 to 1996 varied írom, 0,14 to 20,20 pcr 100,000 inhabitants.The major incidence occurred during the summers ofl990/1991, 1995 and 1996. In these years lhe transmission occurred in 59, 101 and 114 State's municipalitics and rcpresents 18,0%. 24,3% and 27,3% of'themunicípalitieswith domiciliar infestation by Aedes aegypti , when Dengue 2 was isolated from two sarnples. The present data analyse the activitics of the epidcmiological vigilance system in relation to thc cases detection and laboratorial diagnosis.

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