Vitamin A concentration in enriched foods
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Vitamin A
enriched foodstuff
percentage of thc recommcnded dietary allowance
level of enriclunent

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Maria Duarte Fávaro R, Santesso Garrido N, Delphina de Oliveira Garotti W, Eico Yokosawa C, Helena lha M, Afonso Jordão Jr. A, Vannucchi H. Vitamin A concentration in enriched foods. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1998 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];57(1):41-8. Available from:


The diversity of vitamin A enriched foodstufTs is increasing in Brazil, and the control of these products is necessary. The objcctives of this study were to determine: 1) the vitamin A concentration of enriched foods and to compare it to the value declared on the label; 2) the variability in the levels of vitamin A enrichment between different samples ofthe same product; 3) thc vitamin A supply in a single portion. We examined twenty enriched foodstufTs. The vitamin A concentration was determined in live samples of cach product completing 100 samples. Forty-five samples had vitamin A
concentrations between 20% above or 20% below lhe label specification, 14 had a concentration above of this range, and 41 below. Most foodstufTs showed an adcquately homogeneous level of vitamin A enrichment in fivc different samples. Thc vitamin A supply of a single portion was 18% to 120% of the RDA (National Research Council). We suggest that lhe Brazilian Legislation should establish a range of levels of vitamin A-enriched foods to the daily portion that it extends the benefit of food enrichcd with vitamin A to lhe low income population by adding this nutrient to the food that is consumed; and the selected foodstufTfor enrichment should be better studied.
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