Liquid smoking of blue fish (Pomatomus saltatrix): lipid stability during processing and storage
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liquid smoke
lipid oxidation

How to Cite

Augusto Gonçalves A, Prentice-Hernández C. Liquid smoking of blue fish (Pomatomus saltatrix): lipid stability during processing and storage. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1999 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];58(1):69-78. Available from:


The objective of this paper was evaluate possibles changes on lipid fraction of unskinned bluefish fi11ets during liquid smoking and in different conditions of storage. For the in natura bluefish used as raw material, and for the smoked product there were the following results of chemical composition: 69,38% and 59,79% of humidity; 1,09% and 2,45% of ash; 16,80% and 22,30% of protein; 12,43 and 15,21 % of fat, respectively. As a parameter of lipid oxidation for the bluefish in natura, the fo11owing results of number of TBA and peroxide value, were goten: 0,04 mg MA/Kg of muscle and 6,76 meq. peroxide/Kg of fat; and for the smoked bluefish: 0,06 mg MA/Kg of muscle and 8,84 meq. peroxide/Kg of fat. In relation to the samples stored under freezing (-21,64 °C), it was observed that the process of lipid oxidation did not present great importance during 60 days of storage. But the samples stored under refrigeration (5,74 "C) had a trend of lipid oxidation showed by the increase of TBA number, The samples stored at an environment ternperature (18,71 °C) showed from the first week an increase of the TBA number and peroxide value, evidencing the process of lipid oxidation. However, from the fourth week (28 days) this lipid oxidation lost its value and a microbiologial deterioration became more evident (putrid smel1).
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