Gas chromatography analysis of amphetamines and benzodiazepines in formulas for slim. Study I: determination of diethylpropion and femproporex
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Gas chromatography
formulas for slim

How to Cite

Marina Trujillo L, Auxiliadora Chaves M, Shioko Akatuka A, Helena lha M. Gas chromatography analysis of amphetamines and benzodiazepines in formulas for slim. Study I: determination of diethylpropion and femproporex. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1999 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];58(1):91-6. Available from:


This present study describes a gas chromatography method for simultaneous determination of diethylpropion and fenproporex that are present in formulas indicated for weight loosing diets. This method was applied in three different formulas, consisting of drugs, in a range of quantities most commonly prescribed. The method consisted of amphetamines extraction with methylene chloride, followed by gas chromatography analysis, using phenylpropanolamine as an internal standard. The separation between the two substances was observed, with a retention time of 3,7 minutes for diethylpropion and 4,3 minutes for fenproporex. The maximum variation coefficient for the diethylpropion method was 2,28% and for the fenproporex it was 2,41 %.
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