Bacteriological evaluation of water resources in the municipality of Eldorado - Vale do Ribeira (SP)
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Hydrous resources
Eldorado-SP-Vale do Ribeira

How to Cite

P. S. Valente J, A. M. Lopes C, M. T. Caminhas A, Horácio A. Bacteriological evaluation of water resources in the municipality of Eldorado - Vale do Ribeira (SP). Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1999 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];58(2):9-13. Available from:


48 water samples from community water boxes of schools, houses, shops and faucets, forest springs, rivers and wells, were taken for the coliform most probable number determination by using the multiple tubes method. The samples were obtained from several rural districts of the Jacupiranga State Park (Eldorado Municipality-SP), only two of thern did not show coliform contamination. The density of coliforms in the water samples was considered high and associated with the faciIity and speed of the human and animal fecal matters to reach the hydrous resources, as well as, the agricultural malpractices, lack of ciliar forest, banana monoculture on the hills and edges of rivers, rainy weather, poverty, poor quality of life and low educationallevel of the population.
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