Qualitative evaluation of herbal medicines commercialized in Porto Alegre - RS (Brazil)
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herbal medicines
quality control
Brazilian herbal medicines
Brazilian phytopharmaceuticals
Portaria n6 da SVS-MS

How to Cite

Zuccolotto T, Apel M, Maris Kuze Rates S. Qualitative evaluation of herbal medicines commercialized in Porto Alegre - RS (Brazil). Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1999 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 20];58(2):25-31. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/36689


This paper presents a qualitative evaluation of some herbal medicines commercialized in Porto Alegre - RS (Brazil) from july to october, 1997, in order to verify if the new Brazilian legislation about these products (Portaria 6 - SVS - MS - DOU 01.31.95) induced the improvement in their quality. Forty-two samples purchased from herbalists, drugstores and pharmacies were analysed considering botanical identity, absence of foreign organic materiaIs, conservation state and presence of the main chemical compouds as quality indicators. The methods employed were based in the Farmacopéia Brasileira 4. ed and specialized literature. The results showed that the Portaria 6 SVS - MS (DOU 01.31.95) validity has not yet influenced the quality state of herbal products commercialized in Porto Alegre, since 71,4 % of the analysed samples do not fit the minimum quality demands required by such legal rule, These results meet the ones observed in previous researchs in relation to the unsatisfactory qualitity 'of the Brazilian herbal medicines.

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