Technological quality evaluation of dried plasma pasta
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bovine plasma
technological quality

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E. V. G. da Silveira A, Almeida de Souza-Soares L, Badiale-Furlong E. Technological quality evaluation of dried plasma pasta. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1999 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];58(2):39-44. Available from:


The development of an alternative formulation of pasta was considered by replacing eggs for bovine plasma. The product was evaluated for its technological quality in contrast to a traditionally egg pasta available on the market place, through determination of its cooking time, water absorption and retention capacity, loss of solids and proteins in the cooking water and for volume displacement. The results obtained demonstrated that the bovine plasma pasta reaches the ai dente point in 3/4 of the time of the standard product, it posses greater capacity of water absorption (61.8%) and decreased loss of solids (0.8%) and proteins (0.7%). The differentiated technological behavior of the products was indicated by main components analysis.
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