Present status of the frequency of antibodies against Herpesvirus hominis in inhabitants of São Paulo City, Brazil
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Herpesvirus hominis
frequency in inhabitants of São Paulo City

How to Cite

Salles-Gomes LF de, Sakuma ME, Curti SP. Present status of the frequency of antibodies against Herpesvirus hominis in inhabitants of São Paulo City, Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1981 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];41(2):107-14. Available from:


Indírect immuno-fluorescence revealed antibodies against Herpesvirus hominis in 80% of 485 serum specimens collected during May, June and July 1980 from inhabitants of São Paulo City, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The sera from donors in the 1-4 years age group showed 38% of positivity while 90% was found in the 9-14 year group. The results are similar to those from another study conducted in the same city in 1962 and from some studies conducted in other
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