Counterimmunoelectrophoresis in ceIlulose-acetate strips were employed for the serological diagnosis of meningitis cases caused by St.rept.ocoecue
pneumoniae as well as in the serotyping of pneumococcus strains isolated from meningitis cases admitted to Emilio Ríbas Hospital, São Paulo, S.P., Brazil.
Polysaccharidic antigens of pneumococci were detected in 85.18% of the 216 spinal-fluid speeimens from whieh pneumoeocci were isolated when polyvalent serum against the 83 types was employed. This frequeney increased to 90.74% when 9 different pools of sera containing antibodies specific for 7 to 11 types were employed. Of 296 spinal-fIuid specimens which were nega tive i n culture and bacterioscopic tests, 7 specimens were positive in the eounterimmunoelectrophoresis. Of the 35 specimens which were nega tive in culture a ttempts but positive in the bacterioscopic examination, 28 were positive in the counterimmunoelectrophoresis. A clear prevalence of group 6 or 18 pneumococci was found in spinal fIuids from children up to 9 year-old. In older individuaIs, types 1, 2, 3 or 4 and groups 7 or 12 were observed. The classic Neufeld test yielded exactly the same results as the counterimmunoelectrophoresis. The Danish nomencIature was employed.
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