Hemagglutination-inhibition tests were car ried out in 651 human sera for the dctection of antibodies to type C influenza virus. Of 324 and 327 sera collected respectively in 1978 and 1979, from individuaIs without evidence of respiratory infection, 68.6% showed positive results. There was no important
difference between the two years, except in the 0-4 year age group and in persons older than 60 years. In these two age groups, the frequency of positive
findings was 15.3% and 53.3%, respectively for the 1979 sera while in the 1978 sera, the frequency was 33.3% and 75.0%, respectively.
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2. DeMEIO, J.L.; WOOLRIDGE, R.L.; WHITESIDE, J.E. & SEAL, J.R. - Epídemic ínfluenza B and C in navy recruits, 1953-1954. n. Antigenic studies on influenza virus, type C. Proe. Soco ercp. Biol. Med., 88:436-8, 1955.
3. GERBER, P.; WOOLRIDGE, R.L.; SEAL, J.R. & ZIEGRA, S.R. - Epídemic ínfluen-
za B and C in navy recruits during winter of 1951-52. Proe. Soe. ercp. Biol. Meâ., 81: 624-8, 1952.
4. HIRST, G.K. - The relationship of the receptors of a new straín of vírus to
those of the mumps-NDV -influenza group. J. ercp. Med., 91:177-84, 1950.
5. JENNINGS, R. - Respíratory viruses in Jamaíca: a virologic and serologic study.
3. Hemagglutínation-ínhibiting antibodies to type B and C ínfluenza viruses in the sera of Jamaicans. Amer. J. Ep idemiol., 87 :440-6, 1968.
6. JOOSTING, A.C.C.; HEAD, B.; BYNOE, M.L. & TYRRELL, D.A.J. - Productíon of common colds ín human volunteers by ínfluenza C vírus. Brit. medo J., 4(5622): 153-4, 1968.
7. KENDAL, A.P. - A comparison of "ínfluenza C" with prototype myxovíruses: re-
ceptor-destroying actívity (neuraminidase) and structural polypeptídes. Virology,
65:87-9, 1975.
8. MINUSE, E.; QUILLIGAN, JR., J.J. & FRANCIS, JR., T. - Type C ínfluenza vírus. r. Studies of the vírus and its dístríbutíon. J. Lab. clin. Med., 43:31-42, 1954.
9. STYK, B. - An epídemic outbreak of influenza caused by influenza C virus. Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. lmmunol., 6: 68-75, 1959.
10. STYK, B. - Non-specific inhibitors in normal rat serum for the incluenza C type
virus: the relation between the influenza C type virus, Newcastle disease and epí-
demic parotitis. Folia hiol., Prague, 1: 207 -,13, 1955.
immunologic significance of age distributíon of antibody to antigenic variants of
ínfluenza vírus. J. ercp. Med., 98:641-56, 1953.
2. DeMEIO, J.L.; WOOLRIDGE, R.L.; WHITESIDE, J.E. & SEAL, J.R. - Epídemic ínfluenza B and C in navy recruits, 1953-1954. n. Antigenic studies on influenza virus, type C. Proe. Soco ercp. Biol. Med., 88:436-8, 1955.
3. GERBER, P.; WOOLRIDGE, R.L.; SEAL, J.R. & ZIEGRA, S.R. - Epídemic ínfluen-
za B and C in navy recruits during winter of 1951-52. Proe. Soe. ercp. Biol. Meâ., 81: 624-8, 1952.
4. HIRST, G.K. - The relationship of the receptors of a new straín of vírus to
those of the mumps-NDV -influenza group. J. ercp. Med., 91:177-84, 1950.
5. JENNINGS, R. - Respíratory viruses in Jamaíca: a virologic and serologic study.
3. Hemagglutínation-ínhibiting antibodies to type B and C ínfluenza viruses in the sera of Jamaicans. Amer. J. Ep idemiol., 87 :440-6, 1968.
6. JOOSTING, A.C.C.; HEAD, B.; BYNOE, M.L. & TYRRELL, D.A.J. - Productíon of common colds ín human volunteers by ínfluenza C vírus. Brit. medo J., 4(5622): 153-4, 1968.
7. KENDAL, A.P. - A comparison of "ínfluenza C" with prototype myxovíruses: re-
ceptor-destroying actívity (neuraminidase) and structural polypeptídes. Virology,
65:87-9, 1975.
8. MINUSE, E.; QUILLIGAN, JR., J.J. & FRANCIS, JR., T. - Type C ínfluenza vírus. r. Studies of the vírus and its dístríbutíon. J. Lab. clin. Med., 43:31-42, 1954.
9. STYK, B. - An epídemic outbreak of influenza caused by influenza C virus. Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. lmmunol., 6: 68-75, 1959.
10. STYK, B. - Non-specific inhibitors in normal rat serum for the incluenza C type
virus: the relation between the influenza C type virus, Newcastle disease and epí-
demic parotitis. Folia hiol., Prague, 1: 207 -,13, 1955.

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