Lead levels in baby foods
pdf (Português (Brasil))


baby foods
lead determination
lead in baby foods
determination by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry

How to Cite

Lara WH, Sakuma AM, Yabiku HY. Lead levels in baby foods. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1982 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];42(1-2):35-8. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/36776


71 samples of baby foods such as juices, creams, f'ruits, puddings and soups produced by the two industries which process baby foods in Brazil, sold
at groceries of the city of São Paulo, were analysed for their lead content by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. The levels observed falI in the range from 0.02 mgvkg to 0.37 mgv'kg with a median of 0.11 mg/kg and the 90th percentile of 0.20 mg Zkg; Ali them had levels accetable according to Brazilian law for th ese foods.

pdf (Português (Brasil))


1. BRASIL. Leis, decretos, etc. - Decreto nº 55.871 de 26 mar. 1965. Diário Oficial, Brasília, 9 abro 1965. Seç. 1, pt. 1, p. 3611, Modifica o Decreto nº 50.040 de 24 jan. 1961, .referente a normas reguladoras do emprego de adi tívos para alimentos, alterado pelo Decreto nº 691 de 13 mar. 1962.

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3. BRASIL. Leis, decretos, ate, - Resolução normativa nº 12/79 da Câmara Técnica de Alimentos do Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Diário Oficial, Brasília, 1.0 maio 1979. Seç. 1, pt. 1, p. 7547. Fixa a identidade e as características mínimas de qualidade para o coco ralado.

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