Samples of lettuce, carrot, cabbage, spi nach , and potato were collected in free markets of São Paulo City, Brazil. High levels of nitratos were consistently found in spinach samples and they ranged from 545 to 4136 mg per kg (mean: 2030 mg, and 90th percentile: 3306 mg/kg). Several samples of potatoes showed from O to 748 mg/kg. The samples of lettuce, carrot and cabbage showed considerable variation which ranged from no nitrates to very high values such as 5896 mg/kg found in one sample.
1. BRASIL. Leis, decretos, etc. - Resolução normativa nº 08-79 da Câmara Técnica de Alimentos do Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Diário Oficial, Brasília, DF, 1.0 jun. 1979. Seção I, pt. I, p. 7843. Revoga a Resolução n° 9-76 da CNNP A.
2. COMITÉ MIXTE FAO/OMS D'EXPERTS DES ADDITIFS ALIMENTAIRES. Geneve, 1973. Evaluation toxicoloçique de ceriaine additifs alimentaires; examen des principes llénéruU'x et des normes. 17 ême rapport. Genêve, OMS, 1974. p. 37. [OMS Sér. Rapp. techn. nº 539]
3. HAMILTON, J.E. - Collaborative study of the colorimetric determination of nitrate and nitrite in cheese. J. Assoc. off. Agric. Chem., 59: 284-8, 1976.
4. LARA, W.H.; TAKAHASHI, M.Y. & YABIKU, H.Y. - Níveis de nitratos em alimentos infantis. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 40: 147-52, 1980.
5. LEE, C.Y.; SHALLENBERGER, R.S.; DOWNING, D.L.; STOLWSAND, G.S. & PECK, N.M. - Nitrate and nitrite nitrogen in fresh stored and processed table and spinaeh from different levels of field nitrogen fertilisation. J. Sci. Food Agric., 22: 90-2, 1971.
6. LEE, D.H.K. - Nitrates, nitrites and methanoplobinemia, Environmental review nº 2. North Carolina, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 1970.
7. PHILLIPS, W.E.J. - Changes in the nitrite contents of fresh and processed spinach during storage. J. açric, Food Chem., 16: 88-91, 1968.
8. SEBRANEK, J.G. & CASSENS, R.G. Nitrosamines: a review. J. Milk Food Techmol., 36; 76-91, 1973.
9. WALKER, R. - Naturally ocurring nitrate/ nitrite in foods. J. Sei. Food Agric., 26: 1735-42, 1975.
2. COMITÉ MIXTE FAO/OMS D'EXPERTS DES ADDITIFS ALIMENTAIRES. Geneve, 1973. Evaluation toxicoloçique de ceriaine additifs alimentaires; examen des principes llénéruU'x et des normes. 17 ême rapport. Genêve, OMS, 1974. p. 37. [OMS Sér. Rapp. techn. nº 539]
3. HAMILTON, J.E. - Collaborative study of the colorimetric determination of nitrate and nitrite in cheese. J. Assoc. off. Agric. Chem., 59: 284-8, 1976.
4. LARA, W.H.; TAKAHASHI, M.Y. & YABIKU, H.Y. - Níveis de nitratos em alimentos infantis. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 40: 147-52, 1980.
5. LEE, C.Y.; SHALLENBERGER, R.S.; DOWNING, D.L.; STOLWSAND, G.S. & PECK, N.M. - Nitrate and nitrite nitrogen in fresh stored and processed table and spinaeh from different levels of field nitrogen fertilisation. J. Sci. Food Agric., 22: 90-2, 1971.
6. LEE, D.H.K. - Nitrates, nitrites and methanoplobinemia, Environmental review nº 2. North Carolina, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 1970.
7. PHILLIPS, W.E.J. - Changes in the nitrite contents of fresh and processed spinach during storage. J. açric, Food Chem., 16: 88-91, 1968.
8. SEBRANEK, J.G. & CASSENS, R.G. Nitrosamines: a review. J. Milk Food Techmol., 36; 76-91, 1973.
9. WALKER, R. - Naturally ocurring nitrate/ nitrite in foods. J. Sei. Food Agric., 26: 1735-42, 1975.
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