Circulating peripheral nerve antibodies in schistosomiasis mansoni
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Manson's schistosomiasis
anti-peripheral antibodies in Manson's schistosomiasis

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Chieffi PP, Paes RAP, Ueda M, Nakamura PM, Mello LB. Circulating peripheral nerve antibodies in schistosomiasis mansoni. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1982 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];42(1-2):67-70. Available from:


Indirect immunofluorescence tests were made on cryostat sections of mouse sciatic nerve for detection of circulating antibodies against this nerve tissue. Control groups included 30 sera from individuaIs with positive serology for American trypanosomiasis, 30 sera positive for toxoplasmosis, 30 sera positive for syphilis and ·20 sera nega tive for any of the control diseases.Positive staining was observed in 83.3% of sera from chagasic patients, 62.8% of sera from patients with Manson's schistosomiasis, 10.0% of sera positive for syphilis, 6.6% of sera from patients infected with Toxoplasma gondii as wel! as in 20.0% of the normal controls. A clear-eut difference was observed when sera from patients with Manson's schistosomiasis were compared with sera from patients infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. The majority of positive sera from patients with schístosomiasís
displayed a fluorescent staining around the axons, while chagasic anti-nerve antibodies showed a bright staining located on Schwan's sheaths. These findings suggest that, in Manson's schistosomiasis, there is induction of antibodies against mouse peripheral-nerve tissue which is similar to the induction found in American trypanosomiasis.
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