Microbe inhibitors in pasteurized milk sold in São Paulo City, Brazil
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milk, inhibiting substances
milk, antibiotics, antiseptics, microbial contaminants

How to Cite

Gelli DS, Jakabi M, Souza A de. Microbe inhibitors in pasteurized milk sold in São Paulo City, Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1984 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 9];44(1):19-24. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/36818


A search for the presence of antibiotics and/or antiseptic compounds was ma de in 404 samples oí type B or "Special" pasteurized mílk sold in São
Paulo City in 1981 and 1982. The presence of antibiotics and/or antiseptics was disclosed in 172 sarnples (42.57%). Of these, 16 (3.96%) were positive for antibiotics by disc diffusion and 47 (11.63%) by Delvo-test; 19 samples (4.70%) were positive íor antibiotics and antiseptics and 90 (22.28%) for antiseptics. The antibiotic levei was lower in the samples collected in 1982 compared with 1981, having in consideration the sensitivity of the microorganisms employed in the tests, Gram-negative bacilli were more írequently inhibited by antiseptics, followed by Gram-positive bacilli and Gram-positive cocei, No reduction in the levels of antiseptics was noted. A bacteriologic examination of 73 samples was ais o made. Of these, 21 met the legal requirements and were free of microbe inhibitors. Of the remaining samples, 28 did not meet the microbiological standards but were free of inhibitors, 5 showed the presence of antibiotics and 14 showed antiseptics. Five sarnples met the microbiological standards but 4 of them coritained antibiotics and 1, antiseptics.

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