The relationship between the growth of Triatoma inf eetans nymphs
and the amount of blood fed were investigated in the laboratory. Two groups were ernployed, each composed of 180 nymphs in the first s tage, One of these groups was the sarnple tested by daily weighing while the other group was not weighed. 'I'he handling for weighing influenced the amount of blood sucked since the weighed group sucked 35% less blood compared with the unweighed group. The amount of blood sucked by the nymphs which died in the first stage was appreciably lower than that of the nyrnphs in the same stage but which survived to the next change. As the nymphs advanced in their evolutive stages, they needed more meal. For instance, in the first stage, 82.43% of nymphs required only one meal while in the fifth stage, 77.39% needed two or more meals. In the ear lier stages, when more than one me aI was needed, it was noted that those nymphs sucked more blood in the second meal compared with nyrnphs from the same stage that sucked only once,
Considerations on the laboratory rearing of T. infeetans are ma de on t~e basis of the results obtained.
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