Presence of cocoa-seed shells in powdered chocolate
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chocolate, powdered, cocoa-seed shells detection
microscopic spiral-vessel count method

How to Cite

Zamboni C de Q, Alves HI, Spiteri N. Presence of cocoa-seed shells in powdered chocolate. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1983 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];45(1-2):21-5. Available from:


The method of spiral-vessel count for cocoa-seed slrells was applíed to 40 commercial samples of powdered chocolate. The counts disclosed that 52.5% of the samples met tlre 1.75% limit for shell content permitted by interna-
tional food standards. It is suggested that the Brazilian legislation could tolera te up to 1.75% cocoa-seed shells in chocolate.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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