The planorbid Biomphalaria stmminea has a widespread distribution in Brazil. In the state of São Paulo, the introduction of this species occurred in 1969, th rough fisch transportedfrom N ortheastern Brazil. In 1972,
Piza et alii showed the presence of this species in only three towns of São Paulo state. Since 1981, Vaz, in his Malacological Char t, demonstrated the existence of B. straminea in 25 towns of the state of São Paulo. ln 1975, the authors discovered this species in th e town of Cruzeiro, also in the state of São Paulo. ln 1980, in the sarne locale, the authors pointed out for the first time naturally i nfected B. straminea. In June 1985, we found B. straminea in a lot of 87 snails collected at a frog breeding place in Tauba té ci ty, SP. The Iarval stage of frogs had come from the city of Igaratá where snails are frequently found in a quatic plants. Taubaté is located alrnost at the geographic center of the Paraiba River Valley where schistosomosis is known to be endemic. It is thus recomen ded that epidemiological surveillance be exterted to avoid the spreading of schistcsomosís by B. straminea.
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4. MAGALHÃES, L.A.; DIAS, L.C.S.; PIZA J.T.; TAKAKU, L. & PEREIRA, A.A. Aspectos epidemiológicos da esquistossomose mansônica na região da represa de Americana, Estado de São Paulo. São Paulo, Secretaria de Estado da Saúde,
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12. SANTOS, L.; COSTA, LB. & FIGUEIREDO, C.C.S.B. - Competição entre populações de caramujos ; Biomphalaria tenagophila do Vale do Paraíba x Biomphalaria straminea oriunda do Nordeste, mas fixada no Vale do Paraíba. In : CONGRESSO da FEDERACION LATINO-AMERICANA DE P ARASITOLOGIA, 6.°, CONGRESSO DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE PARASITOLOGIA, 8.°, JORNADA PAULISTA DE PARASITOLOGIA. São Paulo, FLAP, 1983. p. 80.
13. SANTOS, L.; COSTA. I.B.; FIGUEIREDO, C.C.S.B. & ALTOMANI, M.A.G. - Primeiro encontro de Biomphalaria straminea (Dunker, 1848) no município de Cruzeiro, Vale do Paraíba, Estado de São Paulo, naturalmente infectada por cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni. Nota prévia. Rev, Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 40: 165-6, 1980.
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