Determination of natural tomato juice in industrialized tomato juice
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tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) juice, determination of free glutamic acid
tomato juice, industrialized, chemical test

How to Cite

Inomata EI, Sabino M, Ichikawa AH. Determination of natural tomato juice in industrialized tomato juice. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1986 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];46(1-2):73-9. Available from:


Free glutamic acid, a stable component of tomato juice was separated from the aminoacids which had been previously extracted from the juice. Circular filter paper chromatography and spectrophotometric determination of the violet deriva tive of glutamic acid obtained with indanetrione hydrate were determined. A mean content of 165.2 mg per 100 g of juice was obtained in 51 samples of toma to juice prepared in the laboratory. Values ranging from 257.0 to 132.0 mg per 100 g were found in 52 samples of industrialized juice. The sensitivity of the method allows detection of free glutamic acid in tomate juice díluted 100 times.
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