Toxic residues in cannulas sterilized and syringes resterilized with ethylene oxide
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esterilization, cannulae and syringes
ethylene oxide, residues, in reesterilized cannulae and syringes
cannulae (plastic, rubber)
syringes (plastic)

How to Cite

Nogueira MH, Avelar M do CQ, Barretto HH, Cardoso DP. Toxic residues in cannulas sterilized and syringes resterilized with ethylene oxide. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1989 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];49(1):27-34. Available from:


Twenty three samples made up of plastic and rubber cannulae (tubes) and syringes of many sizes, reprocessed up to twenty times were analised as to ethylene oxide residues and its reaction products ethylene chloridrin and glycol ethylene which might remain even after the aeration processo The results thereafter have been compared to the limits of tolerance established by the legislation in force and showed that the reesterilization does not bring about accumulative effects from the substances in the materiaIs, with the exception ofthe 1 ml syringes.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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