Incidence of aflatoxins in peanut and peanut products consumed in São Paulo City, for the period 1980-1987
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aflatoxins in peanut and peanut products, deterrnination
peanut, aflatoxins in, deterrnination
thin-layer chromatography

How to Cite

Sabino M, Zorzetto M Ângela P, Pedroso MO, Milanez TV. Incidence of aflatoxins in peanut and peanut products consumed in São Paulo City, for the period 1980-1987. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1989 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];49(1):41-4. Available from:


Thin-layer chromatography was employed for deterrnination of the amount of aflatoxins in 1,374 samples of peanut and peanut products sold for consumption in São Paulo City. Aflatoxins were detected in 576 samples where the levels of contamination varied from year to year. Among these samples, 68,75% showed levels greater than 30f.Lg/kg that is the maximum tolerated by pertinent Brazilian legislation.
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