In order to determine the fatty acid composition of possible mixtures which contain palm oil and soybean oil, it was analysed one hundred
samples, by the gas-chromatography technique. It was a1so determined the iodine number and the refraction index of ali samples. From the medium composition on palmitic and linoleic acids of the Brazilian palm and soybean oils, it was possible to set equations to calculate the aproximate quantity of soybean oil added with a adulteration purpose. The chromatographic technique aliowed delection of 26 adulterated samples in 99 examined and one - registered as mixture oil - in disagreement with the declared formula on the label. The incidence of addition of soybean oil in the palm oil varied between 21 to 79%; among the adulterated samples, 14 contained more than 50% of soybean oil. The iodine number and the refraction index has served only as referentials in the palm oil composition. Considering the experimental data obtained, it's recommended the inclusion in the Brazilian legal standards of fatty acid composition, with respect to edible oils and fats - as the palm - as the measure for identification of a possible adulteration.
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