Moisture/protein ratio of canned sausages and its behavior in function of the time of processing
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sausage (canned), analysis
sausage (canned), moisture/protein ratio

How to Cite

Mucciolo P, Meira DR, Gomes MC. Moisture/protein ratio of canned sausages and its behavior in function of the time of processing. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1980 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];40(2):129-34. Available from:


In samples of canned sausages produced in São Paulo State, the moisture/protein ratio showed a wide variation whose limits were between 5,60:1 and 13,03: 1, so indicating a serious decrease of the product nutritive value. The eííect of the osmotic flow between sausage and container liquid in 130 cans, revealed to be more intense at the starting of the processing time until the eighth day, when there is a tendency to stabilize the phenomenon. 'I'h is investigation demonstrates that the u/p ratio of 3,50:1 has not been followed as required by the Brazilian Regulation governing the Meat Ínspection. These findings indicate that the present Brazilian u/p ratio must be revised and a new one, more technologically corrcct be enforced in order to better be applied to our industrial routine conditions.
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