Smallpox. Etiological diagnosis 1967-1970 at Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, Brazil
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Florêncio de Salles-Gomes L, Cardoso Conceição B, Duarte Galluzi Y, Monteforte da Fonseca Y, Ramalho Weigl D, Elisa Fernandes de Figueiredo M. Smallpox. Etiological diagnosis 1967-1970 at Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1971 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];31(1-2):5-12. Available from:


In 332 specimens of materials from suspected smallpox cases collected by the Smallpox Erradication Campaign between June 1967 and August 1970, virus cultures, electron mícroscopy, detection of viral antígen and serologic tests were done for etiological diagnoses purposes. One hundred and seventy seven samples or 53.6% were positive for smallpox ín chorioallantoic membrane and/or tis sue cultures methods. Ten smallpox strains were ídentified as variola minor or alastrim. One hundred and ninety two samples were studied simutaneously by virus culture methods and electron microscopy with 89% of identical results. Three hundred and seven samples inoculated in the chorioallantoic membrane
of hen egg's and human kidney tissue cultures line showed 92% identical results The statistical analysis showed no significant diference between the two methods of virus culture and also between theses two methods and electron microscopy. Only 4 out of 56 samples of blood showed titres suggesting recent poxvirus infection trough hemaglutination inibition and complement fixation tests. The clinical and epidemiologycal diagnoses of smallpox was correlated with etiological laboratory results.
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